Hi there and thanks for stopping by!

My name is Kelley Gatewood and I am a Christian life coach whose passion is to help women step out of their comfort zone to fulfill God's calling. I'm a native Texan originally from Dallas where I owned a personal training and massage therapy business for almost 30 years before landing here. I am also a long-time single mom of two beautiful and independent daughters who reside in the Dallas area.

Before I continue, let me backtrack a little and share how I landed here with you today.

In May of 2023 I left Austin, TX, where I was serving as a missional at Community First! Village. I sold my tiny house, packed up my car and headed off to fulfill a huge bucket list item of traveling across the country on a solo road trip.

At first, I just needed to take some time to decompress

and learn how to slow down and breathe again. Which is exactly what I did, for six months while exploring the western half of the country!

I’ve known from the minute I started planning this adventure that it was a calling and I needed to be intentional. I just didn't know what that intent was until early '24. That's when God started putting ideas in my head and people in my life who could get me where I needed to go with a new business plan.

After much prayer and lots of Aha moments, I created Simply No Regrets a company that includes personal and group life coaching, digital courses and workshops, and a blog. All of which you will find in this jam packed website.

As a long-time certified life coach, I feel I am In a unique position to guide and encourage you to find and live out your purpose. After all, I am challenged to step out of my comfort zone on a daily basis as I travel around our beautiful country.

Please, take your time, look around, and bookmark this site for future reference. First and foremost, I want this community to be a safe space where we can all interact, grow and encourage each other to get out of our comfort zones and live a life of no regrets! Please reach out on our contact page or on social media and introduce yourself. I'd love to get to know you!

MAKE it a great day!
