Challenge Starts on Monday, April 25th, 2022 at 1 PM Eastern

Picture These Possibilities...

  • Renewed Mindset

  • Empowering Sense of Self

  • Elevated Level of Confidence

Is this a picture that you would like to see yourself in?

If so, you're in the right place!

Whether you are ready to take on the world and need to get organized or you're

facing some challenges and need a bit of encouragement and support.

This Bootcamp is for YOU!


There are only

8 seats available!

Next Start Date: Tuesday, August 6

How Often: 4 weekly live sessions

Time: 8pm (est)

Where: Zoom

Are sessions recorded if I miss one? YES!

The First-Ever 'Video Superstar Bootcamp' Starts On September 6th...

Registration For The Bootcamp Closes When The Timer Hits Zero

Introducing The

Beyond the Bucket List Bootcamp!

Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.
Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera ConfidenceDay Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small BudgetDay Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel DayDay Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

This is NOT a DIY course that you purchase then never complete. This is a live course with real people, working along side you and keeping you accountable to the process.

What will you learn inside the Beyond the Bucket List Workshop?

Over the course of 4 weeks, I will be working with you individually and in a small group setting, organizing, strategizing and realizing your bucket list so you can live your life with no regrets! Below is the summary of topics that will be discussed. In addition, you will have a workbook with exercises to complete at your own pace between sessions. These exercises (primarily in the form of easy to follow worksheets ) will help you dive deeper into the discussion topics so you can gain more insight and self reflection.

Week One: Discovering Your Interests, Passions and Purpose 

It's tough to even think about writing down your dreams and goals when you've spent the last MANY years supporting other's dreams and goals! This is your time to finally focus on YOU!

Week Two: Organizing Your Bucket List and Creating Action Steps

After rediscovering what makes your heart sing and gives you purpose, we will spend time getting all those exciting experiences written down and organized so you will have a very doable plan of action.

No More Excuses! I am going to help you make those dreams a reality!

Week Three: Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles

This is the week that I ask you to really stretch and commit to stepping out of your comfort zone. Don't worry though, you are never alone in this process. You now have a tribe that will walk with and encourage you as you glide over those hurdles!

Week Four: How Did it Feel to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?!?

This is the week of celebration! You will not only have accomplished writing your list and making a plan but you will have actually accomplished at least one of your bucket list items by now. We will celebrate what you have accomplished as well as talk about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them (or how we can help you if you're still feeling a little stuck). I don't think that will be the case though! You are ready and you are going to gain so much new confidence and have a new sense of power that you won't even walk or talk the same way anymore! You will walk straighter and taller with your head held high because YOU are living simply and intentionally while creating a life of purpose with no regrets!

You will walk straighter and taller with your head held high because YOU are living simply and intentionally while creating a life of purpose with no regrets!

But Wait! There's More!

I know, infomercial vibe

You Will Also Receive These Three Bonuses

To ensure that you feel empowered and confident to not only dream, but turn those dreams into reality, I’m including these free gifts when you join today!

Free Gift #1 30 minute one-on-one laser focus coaching call

Value $127

How do you feel when you're cruising along with a great plan and BAM! you hit a roadblock? I'm not going to let that slow you down. I'm including a free 30 minute laser focused coaching call between weeks 2-4. It's during these weeks that we will be focusing on your challenges and possible obstacles and I don't want you to feel stuck and give up. The beauty of this workshop, is that you are not alone! We will talk through whatever is holding you back and we will come up with solutions TOGETHER.  

Free Gift #2 5 minutes each week on Voxer

Value $229

Don't you hate it when you're in the middle of a project and you get stuck and need help NOW? This is where Voxer comes in. It is an app that acts like a walkie talkie. You will be able to set up a free account on your cell phone, and if you have a quick question or just need some encouragement or kick in the pants, you can Voxer me and I will respond most often within minutes!

Free Gift #3 4 weeks of daily motivational texts

Value $62

Do you wake up some mornings and wish you had a positive text waiting for you instead of texts from coworkers or family members who NEED something from you? I will send you an encouraging quote, personal message or even an occasional video every morning to help you start the day with a positive mind set.

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join The Bootcamp Today!

  4 Weekly, Live Small Group Sessions

Value $597

 30+ Page Printable "Beyond the Bucket List" Workbook with worksheets

Value $147

  Access to the Private “Beyond the Bucket List” Facebook Community

Value $107

  Free Gift #1: 30 Minute One on One Laser Focus Coaching Call

Value $127

  Free Gift #2: 5 Minutes per week on Voxer during the bootcamp

Value $227

  Free Gift #3: 4 weeks of Daily Motivational Texts

Value $42

Total Value: $1,247

Normal Price: $447

Summer Special: $147

As if that isn’t enough, I’m throwing in the chance to win some awesome prizes!

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To
Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

Your Investment Is Protected By My 60-Day “Free Look” Policy

Here's how it works:
You have a full 60 days to preview "The Video Superstar Bootcamp." 
(That's more than enough time since the training is only 5 days.)
If you decide during that time that "The Bootcamp" is not right for you, or it doesn’t deliver the results you hoped for, just let me know and you'll be issued a full and prompt refund... no questions asked.

I absolutely stand behind this training, but this guarantee is simply for peace of mind, just in case.
In short, you get a great return on your investment, or you get your money back. It's that simple...

What Are You Waiting For?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a beautiful brand.
So now it’s up to you.
You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of pitching uninterested people, facing lots of frustrating rejection, and taking years to discover the key to building a business that gives you freedom.


 I have a small group of friends who want to have their own Bootcamp. Is that an option?
Great question!  And the answer is: Absolutely! We can schedule a bootcamp specifically for your Bible Study, Book Club, Mom's Group, Coworkers, Family or just a group of Friends! This is a great option if you need a different day/time for the live sessions or you just want to learn with and support your peeps. Contact me directly at Kelley@simplynoregrets to discuss scheduling and cost.

 I really want to take part in the live sessions but I have a schedule conflict.

No worries, I get it! Each month is offered on a different day and often a different time of day. The sessions are offered three months out, so you can check for future availability. If you're anxious to get started, as I hope you are!, get a group of friends together who have similar availability and book a private bootcamp. See the above question for details.

 What if I fall behind?
The nice thing about all of my courses is that if you cannot catch it live, you can watch the replay. 
And if you’d like to have access to it for lifetime you can easily select that upgrade. I recommend lifetime access so you can reference it for the rest of your life.

 What is your definition of a small group?

Each session will max out at 10 participants. If a session fills up at least two weeks before the start date, a second session could be added depending on interest and Kelley's schedule.

 What if I can't make the live session?

No problem! All sessions will be recorded on zoom for you to watch at your convenience. You will also have time on Voxer with me every week if you need help with a topic whether you missed the session or not.

 Do you have a money back guarantee?
Absolutely. One of my beliefs as a course creator is that if you don’t get amazing results from taking one of my live courses you can request a refund within the first week of class. 
You can reach my team anytime at  and they will take great care of you.

 What are the dates of the bootcamp?
Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.
Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera ConfidenceDay Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small BudgetDay Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel DayDay Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

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